When Conner's coupling rod breaks he becomes odsesed with going carefully along with his jobs.
Ratting 7/10
Monday, December 5, 2016
Thomas & Friends Season 20 Episode 21 Henry in The Dark Review
The other engines think they see a ghost engine when Henry is repainted with the wrong kind of paint.
Ratting 6/10
Ratting 6/10
Thomas & Friends Season 20 Episode 12 Love Me Tender Review
Donald & Douglas get into a disagreement while clearing snow off the tracks.
This is probably one of my favorite episodes so far in season 20 since it brings back Donald & Douglas.
Ratting 10/10
This is probably one of my favorite episodes so far in season 20 since it brings back Donald & Douglas.
Ratting 10/10
Thomas & Friends Season 20 Episode 11 Letters to Santa Review
When Percy has to deliver letters in the snow Harold offers to help him but Percy thinks Harold Thinks that he is slow and out of date and ignores him.
Ratting 8/10
Ratting 8/10
Thomas & Friends Season 20 Episode 9 Blown Away Review
Ratting 10/10
Thomas & Friends Season 20 Episode 7 Ryan & Daisy Review
When Sir Topham Hatt Gives Ryan & Daisy extra jobs to do Daisy tricks Ryan into doing all the work.
Although i am a fan of Eddie Redmayne as Ryan from Sodors Legend of The Lost Treasure. Steven Kynman does a pretty good job.
Ratting 10/10
Although i am a fan of Eddie Redmayne as Ryan from Sodors Legend of The Lost Treasure. Steven Kynman does a pretty good job.
Ratting 10/10
Thomas & Friends Season 20 Episode 6 Saving Time Review
Ratting 7/10
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Thomas & Friends Season 20 Episode 5 Bradford the Brake Van Review
Bradford really reminded me of a real real safe amy general, Especially when it come's to the Troublesome Truck's. And his performance is wonderful.
Ratting 10/10
Thomas & Friends Season 20 Episode 4 Diesel and the Ducklings Review
Diesel is alway's full of suppress and like's to appear tough in front of Arry and Bert. One day when Thomas finds out that Diesel has a soft spot when it comes to ducklings, They make a deal that if Diesel is rude to the other engines Thomas will tell the other's about the ducklings.
Seing Diesel have a soft spot was kind of interesting to see. And Arry and Bert speck for the first time since the 16th season.
Ratting 7/10
Seing Diesel have a soft spot was kind of interesting to see. And Arry and Bert speck for the first time since the 16th season.
Ratting 7/10
Thomas & Friends Season 20 Episode 3 Henry Gets the Express Review
When Gordon oversleeps one day Thomas recommends that Henry take Gordon's express train. But when Gordon has to do Henry's work he decides to go on strike.
Another great episode since everyone knows how much Gordon loves taking the express. Another good thing is hearing Rheneas' new voice and seeing the Narrow Gage Engines agian since the 18th Season.
Ratting 8/10
Another great episode since everyone knows how much Gordon loves taking the express. Another good thing is hearing Rheneas' new voice and seeing the Narrow Gage Engines agian since the 18th Season.
Ratting 8/10
Thomas & Friends Season 20 Episode 2 Toby's New Friend Review
When Phillip see's Toby The Tram Engine in the yard, He think's Toby is a Diesel Boxcab like him and try's to befriend him. But Phillip soon come's to realize not everyone likes everything he does.
I thought this was a really good idea putting Toby & Phillip in an episode together. But i loved seeing Donald & Douglas make a surprise cameo at the beginning of the episode.
Ratting 10/10
I thought this was a really good idea putting Toby & Phillip in an episode together. But i loved seeing Donald & Douglas make a surprise cameo at the beginning of the episode.
Ratting 10/10
Thomas & Friends Season 20 Episode 1 Sidney Sings Review
When Sidney is tasked to get new wheels for Percy after an accident, He worries that he will forget what he is suposed to be doing. Until Thomas helps Sidney make up a song to remember.
I thought it was really nice to se an engine like Sidney in the spotlight for a change. We haven't really haven't gotten to se him in action until now.
Ratting 10/10
I thought it was really nice to se an engine like Sidney in the spotlight for a change. We haven't really haven't gotten to se him in action until now.
Ratting 10/10
Movie Review 15 Thomas & Friends The Great Race The Movie (Warning Spoilers look at your own risk)
This is a really good movie if you like Thomas & Friends and sports.
Ratting 10/10
Thomas & Friends The Complete Sixteenth Series DVD Review
Thomas and his friends return in Series 16; all 20 episodes on DVD together for the first time ever!
Sodor is filled with the sound of music when a famous composer visits the island. Thomas becomes a scarecrow for the day, Percy falls foul of one of Salty's tales and Charliecombines his love for snow and jokes. The engines welcome Stafford to Sodor, celebrate the Fat Controller's birthday and, when a photographer visits the island, Thomas aims to appear in as many photos as possible!
Introducing new friends Stafford, Luke, Merrick, Owen and Winston!
- Race to the Rescue
- Ol' Wheezy Wobbles
- Express Coming Through
- Percy and the Monster of Brendam
- Ho Ho Snowman
- Flash Bang Wallop!
- Thomas and the Rubbish Train
- Thomas Toots the Crows
- Bust My Buffers!
- Percy and the Calliope
- Thomas and the Sounds of Sodor
- Salty's Surprise
- Sodor Surprise Day
- Emily's Winter Party Special
- Muddy Matters
- Whiff's Wish
- Welcome Stafford
- The Christmas Tree Express
- Don't Bother Victor!
- Happy Birthday Sir!
Once again i love seeing these episodes on a DVD together but i don't get why they are always in production order instead of air date order.
Ratting 5/10
Movie Review 14 Captain America: Civil War (Warning Spoilers look at your own risk)
After the events that have happened in The
Avengers, Caption America: The Wintor Solder, & Avengers: Age of Ultron.
The UN finally desides that they need to do something to keep the Avengers in
order after a insadent at the beginning of the film involving Brock Rumlow / Crossbones The Former commander of
S.H.I.E.L.D.'s counter-terrorism S.T.R.I.K.E. team, who was revealed to be a Hydra agent in Caption America: The
Wintor Solder is trying to steal a biological weapon and was eventually
stopped by Steve Rogers / Captain America, Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow, Sam Wilson / Falcon, and Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch.
Rumlow tells Cap that he was stealing the weapon
for Bucky Barnes / The Winter Soldier Cap’s old friend from Caption America: The
First Avenger, and Caption America: The Winter Soldier.
Later Tony
Stark / Iron Man shows up at the Avengers compound with The Secretary of
State who tells The Avengers that they had to sign The Sacovia Accords a
document signed by the UN taking control of The Avengers missions witch divides
them into two sides one led by Tony Stark and consisting of Natasha Romanoff, James Rhodes / War Machine, and
The Vision who are supporting the desions that the UN have made. The other led
by Steve Rogers and consisting of Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, and Clint Barton / Hawkeye not supporting the dision.
But after a bombing at the UN Sacovia Accords signing Bucky Burns is said to be
behind it when he really wasn’t. This resolves into the two looking for new recruits
to help them confront one another. Burns & Scott Lang/Ant-Man sides with
Rogers and Peter Parker/Spider-Man & T'Challa /
Black Panther siding with Stark.
One thing that was a bit wired was
seeing everyone except Thor & Bruce Banner /
Hulk due to how Avengers: Age of Ultron ended with Thor going back to his
home plant of Asgared and Banner fleing the battle of Sacovia and was not heard
from since. Thor is only refrenced while The Hulk is seen in replayed footage
from The Avengers and is refrenced twice. Otherwise the film has lots of jokes
and action and is exalent. This is something that is well worth seeing.
Ratting 10/10
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Thomas & Friends The Complete Fifteenth Series DVD Review
Thomas and his friends return in the Complete Series 15, with all episodes on DVD together for the first time ever!
With the Sodor Search and Rescue Centre up and running the race is on to become the 'Sodor Search and Rescue Engine'. Thomas takes Bertie on a rail adventure and soon runs into trouble on the Shake Shake Bridge. There are twitters and tweets, clanging bells and wonky whistles, giant escaping balloons and sticky magnets. Percy makes some new friends and the engines are rewarded for being Really Useful.
Introducing new friends Flynn, Belle, Den and Dart!
- Gordon and Ferdinand
- Toby and Bash
- Emily and Dash
- Percy's New Friends
- Edward the Hero
- James to the Rescue
- Happy Hiro
- Up, Up and Away!
- Henry's Happy Coal
- Let it Snow
- Surprise, Surprise
- Spencer the Grand
- Stop that Bus!
- Stuck on You
- Big Belle
- Kevin the Steamie
- Wonky Whistle
- Percy the Snowman
- Tree Trouble
- Fiery Flynn
Ratting 10/10
Thomas & Friends 1st Class Stories DVD Review
Thomas and Friends began life as a collection of stories called "The Railway Series", created by the Reverend W. Awdry to entertain his son Christopher. A cheeky, little blue engine called Thomas the Tank Engine soon made an appearance and has been entertaining children across the world with exciting tales and adventures from the Island of Sodor ever since.
We are celebrating 70 years of Thomas and Friends with a collection of No.1 episodes from the classic live action to the latest CGI animation. Watch Thomas and his friends in 20 thrilling adventures featuring legendary storytellers Ringo Starr, Michael Angelis and Mark Moraghan.
- Thomas and Gordon
- The Flying Kipper
- Escape
- Gallant Old Engine
- Thomas the Jet Engine
- Snow Tracks
- Henry's Good Deeds
- Charlie and Eddie
- Jitters and Japes
- Happy Hiro
- Stop that Bus!
- Flash Bang Wallop!
- Bust My Buffers!
- Percy and the Calliope
- Steamie Stafford
- The Switch
- Bill or Ben?
- Not So Slow Coaches
- Toad's Adventure
- Duck and the Slip Coaches
Ratting 7/10 I whould have liked to see more older episodes featured.
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Thomas & Friends Start You Engines DVD/Digital Review
Thomas & Friends™ are racing on the rails! The clock is ticking for Thomas, Bertie and Spencer to get to the castle on time. As Philip shows Gordon how fast he can go, slow Stephen proves he can save the day. James and Thomas are on opposite tracks when the Big Game comes to Sodor, while Caitlin gives Emily an unexpected boost. Race down the tracks with Thomas and his friends!
1. Two Wheels Good
2. Reds VS Blues
3. Slow Stephen
4. The Little Engine Who Raced Ahead
5. Best Engine Ever
6. Phillip To The Rescue
Bones Features
Race with You song
On a Journey Today song
Go, Go Thomas song
Guess Who? puzzles
Really Useful Engines
The Earl's Quiz
Landmarks of Sodor
The Fat Controller's Tales
Ratting 10/10
1. Two Wheels Good
2. Reds VS Blues
3. Slow Stephen
4. The Little Engine Who Raced Ahead
5. Best Engine Ever
6. Phillip To The Rescue
Bones Features
Race with You song
On a Journey Today song
Go, Go Thomas song
Guess Who? puzzles
Really Useful Engines
The Earl's Quiz
Landmarks of Sodor
The Fat Controller's Tales
Ratting 10/10
Movie Review 13 Star Wars The Force Awakens (Warning Spoilers look at your own risk)

Set 30 years after the events of Star Wars Return of The Jedi, Luke Skywalker (The Last Jedi) has disappeared.
In addition the remains of The Galactic Empire have reformed into The First
Order led by Kylo Ren who seeks to find Luke. After a clue of a lost map to
Skywalker is found, Ren and his Stormtroopers set out to obtain it. Little does
Ren know the piece of the map has fallen into the hands of a droid named BB-8,
A Scavenger named Rey, an ex Stormtrooper named Finn, and a resistance led by General
Leia Organa previously
known as Princes Leia who are all trying to protect the map from Kylo Ren. So the rest
of the film follows Kylo
Ren as he tries to find Luke Skywalker.
In 2012 Disney
had bought the rights to Lucasfilms, the studio that made the last 6 films for $4.06 billion and
announced three new Star Wars films meaning this is one out of three new movies. Everyone
from the last films returns along with some new characters, such as BB-8 and
Finn. The biggest thing I did not like was the lack of Luke Skywaker and R2D2.
Luke was only mentioned countless times, does not speak when he finally appears,
and is only in 2 scenes. R2 on the other hand I didn’t like only seeing him
speak in one scene even though he was shown throughout the film. The biggest
thing I liked was when Han and Chewbacca meet Rey and Finn because it was a new
generation meets old generation thing. The special effects were great and made
the film very realistic. The cast includes
Harrison Ford as Han Solo
Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker
Carrie Fisher as General Leia Organa
Adam Driver as Kylo Ren
Daisy Ridley as Rey
John Boyega as Finn
Oscar Isaac as Poe Dameron
Lupita Nyong'o as Maz Kanata
Andy Serkis as Supreme Leader
Domhnall Gleeson as General Hux
Anthony Daniels as C-3PO
Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca
Max von Sydow as Lor San Tekka
Daniel Craig makes a
cameo as a Storm Trupper
Bill Hader and Ben Schwartz are Vocal Consultants
for BB8
Ewan McGregor has an uncredited
vocal cameo as Obi-Wan Kenobi
Audio of Frank Oz and Alec Guinness as Yoda and Kenobi, respectively, are also
used in the same scene. I think this film is great for everyone who is fan of
Star Wars or Disney.
Ratting 10/10
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Thomas & Friends Season 19 Episode 25 Goodbye Fat Controller Review
When Percy think Sir Topum Hatt is leaving Sodor the other engines try to show him how hard they can work so he won't leave.
Ratting 8/10
Ratting 8/10
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Thomas & Friends Season 19 Episode 23 The Other Side of The Mountain Review
Rating 10/10
Saturday, January 9, 2016
Thomas & Friends Season 19 Episode 24 No Help at All Review
Ratting 10/10
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